Thursday, September 22, 2011

Everyday Life Energies Inspiration

I love to experiment with life energies each day. I get ideas from books, other people, and my own self.

I would like to share these inspirations with you, and perhaps you would like to try them out yourself in your daily life.

An example - positive thoughts for the day. For example, the other day I decided as much as possible to keep my thoughts neutral or positive. I consciously and intentionally chose that my background chatter would not dredge up problems, judgements, and repetitious old tapes. This alone made me quite happy by the end of the day. First, that I had the discipline to stick with it, and second that there was relief from the negative energy that comes from negative thoughts that seem to just "hang around" and re-present themselves over and over again.

If you need help keeping your thoughts positive, then keep repeating "peace", or perhaps "I Am". These will displace the negative thoughts. Also, you can choose a happy time or occasion in your life, and keep bringing your attention back to these happy thoughts.

Further, I applied this to many situations, seeing each situation in a positive or neutral light. Often, it helps to just remain quiet when around someone else. Just listening. Just observing. Not talking about the news, but rather "reading the world" - seeing what's in front of you right now. If you look around, carefully and with patience, there are gems everywhere. Like a kid leaning against their mom. Like a familiar smell from childhood. Like a pretty pattern of light coming through a window and falling on and uniting floor and chair and table and people.

Theme for a day - I call this a "theme" for a day. That was my theme for that day. Long enough to try it out and see if it works, and if so, adopt it for every day.

Perhaps you would like to try this yourself. It made me feel better and happier.


  1. A simple technique of reaching for a more positive feeling thought also works.

  2. WooHoo - Love this blog Bruce! Thanks for bringing your gifts to us here!
