Friday, November 25, 2011

Walking the Spiritual Path Makes Walking It Easier for Others

Please remember that every time you meditate, or pray, or do a kindness, or laugh, or visualize someone healed, or are happy, or are peaceful, or see the God Presence in a stranger or friend, that it makes it easier for everyone else including you to do the same next time, and you have seeded the future of mankind to be this way.

A day or so after my last post, I was surprised that it was not necessary to tell you about a specific correction I needed to make for myself. It turns out that by me recognizing it, we all recognized it. I then remembered the 100th monkeys effect where every time a monkey learned a new way to get food, it was easier for the next monkey to learn the same way, and so on for other monkeys, until the trail was blazed so deeply, that all monkeys everywhere suddenly became aware of it, as a part of "monkeyness."

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake writes about this as a morphological form : a thought form or energy pattern which gets easier for each progressive person (or monkey or molecule or universe) to learn until it achieves critical mass and immediately spreads throughout the population becoming part of it. Dr. David Hawkins writes about this too for spiritual matters. For example, every person who becomes Awakened makes it easier for the next person to become Awakened.

I mean, isn't this really marvelous? Every time you advance spiritually, even in the smallest way, the smallest thought, the smallest act, it makes it easier for everyone to advance spiritually in that way. And eventually, it will achieve a tipping point at which time everyone will effortlessly and automatically have what you achieved. Your kind act seeds the future and helps every human being and those to be born (I believe it helps the past ones too, but that is another post to be written).

You may think that there a lot more negative things happening, so how come they don't swamp out the good ones? They don't because a positive thought is astronomically more powerful than a negative thought. Dr. Hawkins has measured this.

So please realize that any good act, any healing thought, any harmonious intention is multiplied many times over and leaves a glowing marker on the spiritual trail, which future generations will be aware of, and will eventually become part of all human beings.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Receiving Our Gifts

For just one minute, assume that the Presence knows exactly which health, wealth, and spiritual gifts to lavish upon you abundantly, and they are already available, if you but accept them, by asking for the gifts prepared for you, and saying "I accept all my gifts, and I give gratitude for releasing any and all blocks to my gifts, please."

I had an enormous realization today about receiving help. Namely, that not only does the all-loving and all-knowing Presence already know what I need before I ask for it, but the gifts are actually sitting there just waiting for me to accept them. So it is not that I need to convince someone, or make something happen, but rather just change my perception, to knowing that I literally live in "love energy", that is incredibly aware and caring. I simply need to say "I accept all my gifts" which acknowledges the Presence, and then release any blocks I have to receiving these gifts from past lifetimes, this lifetime, chords, karma, attachments, or whatever. Thus, I then say, "I give gratitude for releasing any and all blocks to my gifts, please."

Saturday, October 8, 2011

God Presence

For just 1 minute, imagine that you are in God Presence. Everything you lay your eyes upon, every thought, every breath is God Presence.

I have been experimenting the last few days with being in God Presence. I keep coming back to the thought that "I am in God Presence", no matter what. If what I look upon is beautiful or happy, this is rather easy. If something seems negative, then I declare this too to be in God Presence. From a kinesiology point of view, this shift immediately allows me to test myself strong even in the presence of negative stimuli. One moment I test weak. I then raise my thought to being in God Presence, and now I test strong.

It's not that negative things are great and wonderful. However, the thought of being in God Presence suddenly attaches the "God Presence" or "Divine" thought form to whatever is going on, and this thought form is incredibly powerful so as to overpower all others. In a very real sense, I realize that I too am God Presence, and so I (along with the other people on earth) can create these realistic dreams in which you can touch, see, and hear. Apparently this is what a spark of God Presence can do. So the negative thing is my own thought and the thoughts of others which we are allowed to create by the loving God Presence. It let's me out-picture even seemingly unpleasant things.

I fill my mind with this background thought "I am in God Presence", and this displaces my own negative thoughts, and raises the frequency of other people's negative thoughts. I keep associating more and more of my awareness with God Presence - the table, the floor, the air, the room, the cars, the trees, other people - everything I lay my eyes upon or think about.

Experientially, it feels like watching a movie, knowing the actors and actresses live somewhere else, and are "dressing with body suits" for the part.

Friday, September 23, 2011

To Believe or Not to Believe - Clearing False Beliefs

Clearing false beliefs - For several days I have been working on clearing my false beliefs. The first question that arises, is how do I even identify what the false beliefs are, since they often lurk in the subconscious mind, and have become part of my unquestioned everyday experience.

Identifying the false beliefs - I figure out how many false beliefs I am holding, and what each is by using a combination of kinesiology and opening my mind for an answer.

Use kinesiology to identify false beliefs - Briefly, kinesiology is a way to get a "yes" or "no" answer to determine if something is true. You use a physical test. Youtube has many videos that show how to do the test, if you search there for "kinesiology".

You can count off how many false beliefs you are holding by testing with the statement "the number of false beliefs I am holding is 1 (test), 2 (test), 3 (test), ..." When you get a "strong" then it means that is the number. You determine what each false belief actually is by intuitively guessing, and then testing. For example, you can say "one of my false beliefs is fear" and then test to see if you are strong or weak with the statement, meaning it is true or false..

Or open your mind for an answer - You close your eyes to remove distractions, and then say "At least one of my false beliefs is", and then silently wait for an answer. You are expecting an answer like "fear" rather than a "yes" or "no". Just wait about a minute. Try to keep your mind clear and open - receptive. The answer can come as a word, a phrase, a feeling, or a picture in your mind's eye.

My false belief was "rebelling against peace" - I used the kinesiology to find out how many false beliefs, and then opened my mind for the exact false belief to focus upon at this time. I said "The false belief which benefits me to be aware of now is," and then waited. I heard the word "rebelling", and then said "rebelling against what", and heard the word "peace:". I was quite surprised to find this out, since I thought I was one of the most peaceful people on the planet. However, this is what it said.

I cleared the false belief - I placed my left hand vertically on my forehead and said "Release any and all negative energies related to 'rebelling against peace', please". This is a shorthand form of the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Ears started to ring and more - Clearing this was important. First my left ear started ringing, then the right, then both, quite loudly. I know from experience that ears ringing is a sign that energy is readjusting, and from the intensity, this was a large energy change.

The thought "vibrate I Am" appeared - Then spontaneuosly the thought appeared in my mind "vibrate I Am". So I repeated it a few times. Recently in other experiments I had been repeating "I Am" sporatically but intentionally throughout the day. I measured the "percent that I am rebelling against peace" with kinesiology. It was dropping slowly. It would be about 12 hours to complete. Surprisingly, "the percent that I am vibrating 'I Am'" was correspondingly rising over the same 12 hours.

Perhaps you want to clear a false belief yourself in a similar way. I felt better and happier.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Everyday Life Energies Inspiration

I love to experiment with life energies each day. I get ideas from books, other people, and my own self.

I would like to share these inspirations with you, and perhaps you would like to try them out yourself in your daily life.

An example - positive thoughts for the day. For example, the other day I decided as much as possible to keep my thoughts neutral or positive. I consciously and intentionally chose that my background chatter would not dredge up problems, judgements, and repetitious old tapes. This alone made me quite happy by the end of the day. First, that I had the discipline to stick with it, and second that there was relief from the negative energy that comes from negative thoughts that seem to just "hang around" and re-present themselves over and over again.

If you need help keeping your thoughts positive, then keep repeating "peace", or perhaps "I Am". These will displace the negative thoughts. Also, you can choose a happy time or occasion in your life, and keep bringing your attention back to these happy thoughts.

Further, I applied this to many situations, seeing each situation in a positive or neutral light. Often, it helps to just remain quiet when around someone else. Just listening. Just observing. Not talking about the news, but rather "reading the world" - seeing what's in front of you right now. If you look around, carefully and with patience, there are gems everywhere. Like a kid leaning against their mom. Like a familiar smell from childhood. Like a pretty pattern of light coming through a window and falling on and uniting floor and chair and table and people.

Theme for a day - I call this a "theme" for a day. That was my theme for that day. Long enough to try it out and see if it works, and if so, adopt it for every day.

Perhaps you would like to try this yourself. It made me feel better and happier.