Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Love Energy Has Come to Earth

Try it yourself : Please sense or recall if you are feeling stronger since January 1, 2012, and progressively so. Perhaps miracles are happening, or problems are resolving very quickly in hours or days.

I am detecting that since 9:00 pm Friday 13, 2012, "there is love energy on earth." That night at that time, the thought suddenly appeared in my mind, and a strong feeling that something shifted, and when I tested the statement in quotes above with kinesiology, it was true.
The love energy used to be 10 to the minus 10 of what it is now., so it was .0000000001 of what it is now. My testing is showing that this stronger love energy that just appeared was on earth during Budhha's lifetime, during Jesus' lifetime, and within 500 years after Jesus's lifetime. Further, this love energy was on earth about 26,000 years ago for 1 year. Other than these 3 time periods, it has been a piddly amount thruout the last 26,000 years (I didn't test backward beyond 26,000). It is estimated to be strong for 1 year.
Further, I detected another strong energy that appeared on January 1, 2012. This is related to an opening of the heart.
Finally, on January 6, 2012, I detected yet another energy appearing, so that many people are strong with the kinesiology test even with things that would previously weaken them.
All in all, our energy fields are becoming increasing stronger in large leaps, since literally the beginning of 2012. In addition, I believe that many of us are decoupling from the mass consciousness of earth, which includes such energy statements and thought forms as "I want pain." Test yourself with kinesiology if you are weak or strong with this statement (probably weak), and then say and test "1 year ago I want pain" (probably strong), showing that these negative energies are being released.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy to be Happy


Try it yourself: For just 1 minute each day, imagine you are in the future, looking back, thanking the Presence/God/Spirit/Universe for allowing you happiness, in some sense allowing you to explore experiences of happiness. You can slowly repeat "I give gratitude for allowing happiness."

I started applying 2 really great ideas from Mike Dooley's book Leveraging the Uniiverse. First, that ultimately what we really want is happiness. Second, that in order to manifest, we must "do something", especially mix among people so as to court synchronicities, but anything will do. In some sense, exactly what we do doesn't matter as long as we hold the intention that doing it is generating and allowing synchronicities to move us to what we really want.

I think you will enjoy some of  Mike's affirmations and really pithy snippets of wisdom at Mike Dooley Notes from the Universe.

Further, I have read that holding a manifestation intention for 17 seconds or more causes it to precipitate.

So, putting all this together, I have started doing the following once a day since January 1, 2012:
for 1 minute, I focus on and repeat "I give gratitude for allowing happiness, health, wealth, blessing and protection." I imagine I am in the future, looking back, and how good it feels that I was allowed to be happy. I focus a lot on the "thank you feeling", as in "really, really thanks so, so much for allowing this."

I then do the same for each member of my family, Saying "I give gratitude for allowing happiness, health, wealth, blessing and protection for person's-first-name."

After nearly 2 weeks, I have noticed a strong positive change, so that money comes easily, and I feel significantly healthier. I am continuing with this experiment.