Friday, November 25, 2011

Walking the Spiritual Path Makes Walking It Easier for Others

Please remember that every time you meditate, or pray, or do a kindness, or laugh, or visualize someone healed, or are happy, or are peaceful, or see the God Presence in a stranger or friend, that it makes it easier for everyone else including you to do the same next time, and you have seeded the future of mankind to be this way.

A day or so after my last post, I was surprised that it was not necessary to tell you about a specific correction I needed to make for myself. It turns out that by me recognizing it, we all recognized it. I then remembered the 100th monkeys effect where every time a monkey learned a new way to get food, it was easier for the next monkey to learn the same way, and so on for other monkeys, until the trail was blazed so deeply, that all monkeys everywhere suddenly became aware of it, as a part of "monkeyness."

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake writes about this as a morphological form : a thought form or energy pattern which gets easier for each progressive person (or monkey or molecule or universe) to learn until it achieves critical mass and immediately spreads throughout the population becoming part of it. Dr. David Hawkins writes about this too for spiritual matters. For example, every person who becomes Awakened makes it easier for the next person to become Awakened.

I mean, isn't this really marvelous? Every time you advance spiritually, even in the smallest way, the smallest thought, the smallest act, it makes it easier for everyone to advance spiritually in that way. And eventually, it will achieve a tipping point at which time everyone will effortlessly and automatically have what you achieved. Your kind act seeds the future and helps every human being and those to be born (I believe it helps the past ones too, but that is another post to be written).

You may think that there a lot more negative things happening, so how come they don't swamp out the good ones? They don't because a positive thought is astronomically more powerful than a negative thought. Dr. Hawkins has measured this.

So please realize that any good act, any healing thought, any harmonious intention is multiplied many times over and leaves a glowing marker on the spiritual trail, which future generations will be aware of, and will eventually become part of all human beings.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Receiving Our Gifts

For just one minute, assume that the Presence knows exactly which health, wealth, and spiritual gifts to lavish upon you abundantly, and they are already available, if you but accept them, by asking for the gifts prepared for you, and saying "I accept all my gifts, and I give gratitude for releasing any and all blocks to my gifts, please."

I had an enormous realization today about receiving help. Namely, that not only does the all-loving and all-knowing Presence already know what I need before I ask for it, but the gifts are actually sitting there just waiting for me to accept them. So it is not that I need to convince someone, or make something happen, but rather just change my perception, to knowing that I literally live in "love energy", that is incredibly aware and caring. I simply need to say "I accept all my gifts" which acknowledges the Presence, and then release any blocks I have to receiving these gifts from past lifetimes, this lifetime, chords, karma, attachments, or whatever. Thus, I then say, "I give gratitude for releasing any and all blocks to my gifts, please."